
The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA)

Section (15) of the occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) provides that every employer and the self-employer person must ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all his employees. The provision of first aid facilities and first aiders is incompliance with the welfare component of this general duty of employers and self-employed persons.

Rakan Blog

Ahad, 22 Mei 2011


Pihak FATC telah bermurah hati memberikan cenderahti kepada setiap peserta iaitu Travel First Aid Kit bagi kegunaan masing-masing sekiranya terjumpa kemalangan nanti.
Dirakamkan sedikit untuk kenangan bersama......

Hai Ayu & Jenny....

Tengok Boon buat apa tu!

Ye je si Haz ni....

Nape tu Ms Sharon.. patah tangan ke?

Apa hal si Nazari ni?

Setiap Peserta mendapat Travel First Aid Kit

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